Refund Policy Refund Policy

Cancelling Your Membership:

Secret Flight Club may not be for you, and if it does not suit your travel style please cancel your membership in the My Account area before your membership renews or trial period ends.


Membership Renewals:

My membership automatically renewed. Will I get a refund?

No, as per our Terms and Conditions, automatic renewals are non-refundable nor are refunds past the free trial end points. If you no longer want your Secret Flight Club membership it is your responsibility to cancel before the completion of the membership period, and starting of the next payment period, it is clearly stated it is free to cancel at any time.


Free Trials:

My trial ended and I was charged. Can I get a refund?

No, as per our Terms and Conditions, any members who completed a trial are not eligible for a refund as you had a fair period of time to cancel free at any time you wish. If you’re not entirely happy with the service during the free trial then it is your full responsibility to cancel the free trial before the payment period starts. We clearly state during signup that the payment will automatically be processed once your free trial ends as well as your account settings in the My Account area which is easily accessible across the site.  You can however enjoy the service for the year without further charges if you cancel using the My Account area.


Prorated Refunds:

I am midway through my membership but I want to cancel as cannot travel or use it. Will you provide a prorated refund?

No, we do not offer prorated refunds as our membership is set so it is very small and low cost per annum and annual so we cannot offer this.